--Prayer Meeting: Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm. No supper until further notice.
--Church Board Meeting: Monday, February, 17 at 6:00 pm
--VESPERS: Sabbath, February 22 at 6:00 pm
Please silence your cell phones during the church services. Thank you.
Prayer after worship service – meet by the Piano immediately after service if you are not staying for lunch. If staying for lunch we will meet in the fellowship hall after lunch. Pray for God’s vision, His will, Unity, Holy Spirit, Rival & Reformation for the Murphy Church and our Community.
SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Pavel Goia will be speaking here on Sabbath, February 15. He will have the sermon and will speak again after lunch. Dave and Marlene Colburn and family will be having all the music. We are in for a real blessing. You won’t want to miss this!! We have invited 5 of the area churches to join us for this special Sabbath, so bringing extra food would be appreciated. Potato Bar & Salad Signup sheet in Foyer
BABY SHOWER: Sunday, February 23 at 2:00 pm for a lady in our community by the name of Faith Cobb. She is having a baby girl. This is a community outreach project and an open invitation for all the ladies of the church to come and join us for this special time in Faith’s life. If you are unable to come to the shower, but would like to give a gift, you can leave them in the secretary’s room by the front entrance.
WOOD FOR HEATING: If you need wood for your fireplace, contact the Pastor (315-567-1936) or David Graves.(770-757-9019).
DEAL OF THE MONTH FOR February - .The Masterful Deception - Sale Price $11.99. The Masterful Deception is an incredible resource to help people sift through the misinformation about modern Israel in Bible prophecy to discover the truth about end times. Learn more about this book at and don't forget to use your church code 83167
LINDA SMALL: Linda is at Murphy Rehab & Nursing located in Peachtree in the Rehab Center, Room 111. She would love to see you or send a card to 230 NC-141, Murphy, NC 28906. Her phone number is 828-824-7580.
LOBBY REFURBISH: We would like to collect $1,500 to purchase a chair and umbrella stand for the lobby.
PRAYER BREAKFAST: There will be a Prayer Breakfast on Sunday, February 9 from 10-12. .Our special guest speaker will be Antonia Elemes. Antonia is the former Women’s Ministries Director and Prayer Coordinator for the California Conference
--PROJECT SHIELD: If you are looking to be involved in a worthwhile ministry, come join us on Mondays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Sewing not required
OPEN DISCUSSION: We will be having an open discussion in the Fellowship Hall after lunch EVERY THIRD SABBATH about friendship evangelism. Everyone is invited.
ROUND TABLE BIBLE TALK: Did you know that Pastor Fish has a weekly Bible talk on the radio? You can catch it every Friday at 10:30 am on WKRK (105.5).
We are now signed up with the Ambassador program through Pacific Press. Every time you make a purchase using the ABC online website, please put in the 5 digit code 83167, and the church will get a check equivalent to 10% of your purchase sent at the end of the year. On the final page of the check-out of – you must enter the church’s 5-digit code 83167.
Red Tub- Church Family, Blessing Box. You can also place your donations for Project Shield in the Red Tub.
DO YOU LIKE TO COLOR? Project Shield is looking for 3-4 people to color the tote/backpacks. The outline is already drawn on the totes. Just fill in the colors of your choice. Please join us on Monday mornings at 10:00 am. Thank you.
Bulletin information goes to Cheryl Barber @ 616-706-5811 or email at
February 1: Fellowship Meal-Entrees, vegetables, bread
February 8: Pasta dishes, salad
February 15: Baked Potatoes ,Baked Sweet Potatoes, Salad, Bread
SABBATH FELLOWSHIP MEAL PLAN (Call Betty with questions-828-837-8800)
The Worship Roster and Calendar are posted in the Member's log in area.
Puzzlebooks, coloring books, and word searches can all be dropped off at Murphy Nursing Home in their drop off box in front of the facility, or you may bring them to church and Corky can deliver them.
Murphy Rehabilitation and Nursing
Murphy, NC 28906