Murphy Seventh Day Adventist Church

Loving God, Loving Each Other, Serving our Community

Welcome to the Murphy SDA Church Website!

The Murphy Seventh-day Adventist Church is a warm, friendly Christian community.  We love to study God's Word and discover His will for our lives as He prepares us for Christ's soon return.

Our goal is to lift up and glorify Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to help others discover Him, His truths and His love for us.

We'd love for you to join us as we worship our Creator God and study His Word.

Check us out on Facebook!

Stay up to date with us on social media by clicking here

Who Are Seventh-day Adventists?

Helpful and interesting information about Who We Are and What We Believe



Sunset Times

Sunset tonight: 5:49 PM
Sunset tomorrow: 5:50 PM



JANUARY deal of the month 


 A Present Help in Trouble is an incredible book to read or gift to anyone who is struggling to find hope in tough times. The loving outreach of the Haffner's to a family struggling through the life-killing disease of a loved one resulted in an incredibly powerful book full of quotes, paraphrases, and hope-breathing insights that are a gift to our world.

Learn more about this book at and don't forget to use your church code 83167



Saturday Service Times:

Sabbath School: 9:30 am  -  and Live Streaming
Worship Service: 10:45 am  and Live Streaming

Bible Study Group

Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. 


1576 Old Ranger Road Murphy, NC